Unit 1
Text A
烹调技术 cooking techniques
地方特色菜 specialties/local specialties/local flavor dishes
饮食文化 catering culture/food culture/culinary culture
孔府菜 the Confucian Food/ the Confucius Family Dishes/Confucian cuisine
清蒸海参 Steamed Sea Cucumber
糖醋黄河鲤鱼 Yellow River Carp in Sweet and Sour Sauce/Sweet and Sour Yellow River Carp
回锅肉 Twice Cooked Pork Slices
鱼香肉丝 Fish-favored Pork Shreds
糟汁汆海蚌 Grain-pickled Boiled Seafood
菊花鲈鱼球 Chrysanthemum Fish Balls
淮扬菜 Huaiyang cuisine
叫花鸡 Beggar’s Chicken, Whole Chicken Roasted in Caked Mud
龙井虾仁 Longjing Shrimp
东坡肉 Dongpo Meat
Text B
禅宗 Zen Buddhism
茶道 tea ceremony
方言 dialects
春茶 tea produced in spring
红茶 black tea
绿茶 green tea
乌龙茶 Oolong tea
白茶 white tea
普洱茶 dark tea
明前茶 The tea picked before Qingming
品茶 sip tea/savour tea
Text C
馅料 filling
执业医生 medical practitioner
药材 medicinal material
大葱 scallion / Chinese onion
豆类淀粉 bean starch
香油 sesame oil
酱油 soy sauce
月牙形 crescent-shaped
生姜 fresh ginger
饺子皮 dumpling wrapper
胡椒油 pepper oil
佐料 seasoning
豆粉 bean starch
粉丝 vermicelli
Unit 2
Text A
诊断 diagnose
药草 herbal medicine
艾灸 moxibustion
经络 channels/meridians and collaterals
疗法 therapeutics
食疗 food therapy
病理(学) pathology
宇宙学 cosmology
整体的 holistic
综合症状 syndrome
前提 prerequisites
药理学 pharmacology
挖掘 excavation
热敷法 hot compress
Text B
正气 the healthy Qi
学说 doctrine
整体的 holistic
内脏 entrails, internal organs
使流通 circulate
纵向上 longitudinally
横向上 latitudinally
均衡 equilibrium
充沛 exuberance
衰弱 debilitation
听诊 auscultation
邪气 pathogenic qi
按摩 massage
穴位 acupoint
Text C
针灸学 acupuncture and moxibustion
腧穴 acupoint
腑脏 viscera ( viscus的复数 )
艾灸 moxibustion
针法 acupuncture
艾绒 moxa
经络学说 Meridian-Collateral Theory
疑难杂症 difficult and complicated disease
妇科和儿科疾病 gynecological and pediatric disease
针刺麻醉 acupuncture anesthesia
新陈代谢 metabolism
推拿 tui na (a form of Chinese manual therapy)
Unit 5
Text A
文人墨客 literati / learned men
视错觉意识 the consciousness of visual illusion
风景画/山水画 landscape / mountain water paintings
轮廓线 outlines
五代 the Five Dynasties period
水墨 ink wash
山川起伏 rolling hills and rivers
士大夫 scholar officials
心灵景观 mind landscape / inner landscape
单色 monochrome / black and white
国画的意境 the emotion and atmosphere / the mood of Chinese painting
Text B
中国书法 Chinese calligraphy
装饰艺术 decorative art
青铜器 bronze vessel
视觉艺术 visual art
占卜仪式 divination ritual
砚台 ink stone
炭黑 lampblack
瓷器 porcelain
松香 pine resin
平板 slab
线性变化 linear variation
文房四宝 the Four Treasures of the Study
社会维度 social dimension
毛笔 writing brush
Text C
塔寺 pagoda-temple
菩萨 Bodhisattva
供养人,施主 donor, supporter
使节 envoy
监护神,守护神 tutelary deities
沙岭晴鸣 sandy ridge and sunny peaks
丝绸之路 the Silk Road
佛教 Buddhism
世界艺术宝库 World Treasure-House of Art
世界文化遗产 the World Cultural Heritage Site
佛像 Buddha figure, Buddha image
石窟 Grotto
天神 heavenly devas
Unit 6
Text A
碑文 inscription
人工制品 artifact
辅音 consonant
音译 transliteration
平民 commoner
汉藏语系 the Sino-Tibetan language family
藏缅语族 the Tibeto-Burman languages
《诗经》 Shijing / The Book of Songs
《书经》 Shujing / The Book of Books
《易经》 The Book of Changes
汉字碑文 Chinese character inscriptions
卜筮书 divination book
古汉语 Old Chinese / Archaic Chines
Text B
上层社会 upper class
广东话 Cantonese
方言 dialect
次方言 sub-dialect
沉浸 immersion
罗曼语族 the Romance languages
普通话 Mandarin Chinese
汉藏语系 the Sino-Tibetan language family
标准汉语 the standard Chinese
北方方言 the Northern dialect
吴方言 the Wu dialect
闽方言 the Min dialect
Text C
商朝 the Shang Dynasty
中原地区 central China
占卜者 diviner
古文物研究者 antiquarian
拓本 rubbing
肩胛骨 shoulder-blade
敬祖 ancestor worship
青铜时代 the Bronze Age
甲骨 oracle bones
考古学家 antiquarian/archaeologist
青铜器 the bronze artifacts
继承权 right of inheritance
甲骨文学 Oracle Bone Studies
甲骨文专家 oracle bone specialist
Unit 7
Text A
哑剧 pantomime
感情 sentiment
人物角色 persona
唱腔 aria
戏班 theatrical troupes
八旗 Baqi / Eight Banners
表演艺术的精髓 the essence of the performing art
京剧 Beijing Opera
绿林好汉 true hero of Greenwood
话剧 stage play
杂技 acrobatics
昆曲 Kun Opera
嫡长子 eldest son of the first wife
跑龙套 Longtao / walking-on / play a minor role
Text B
景泰蓝 cloisonné / Jingtai Lan
搪瓷器具 enamelware
金银丝细工 filigree
顶点 apex
蓝宝石 sapphire
窑 kiln
迂回曲折 twists and turns
孔雀蓝 peacock blue
白芨 bletilla striata
留白 leave a blank space as an artistic technique
拜占庭帝国 the Byzantine Empire
巴拿马太平洋万国博览会 Panama-Pacific International Exposition
无与伦比 unrivalled
达到顶峰 reach its apex
皇家御用 For Royal Use
圣路易斯世界博览会 St. Louis World’s Fair
神佛 gods and Buddhas
工匠技艺 craftsmanship
Text C
中国青铜器 Chinese Bronzes
古文书学家 paleographer
挖掘 excavation
宗族 clan
器皿 vessel
宫殿 palace
赞助人 patron
古文物研究者 antiquarian
三脚架 tripod
妇好墓 the Fu Hao tomb
饕餮 zoomorphic mask motif, found on Shang and Zhou ritual bronzes
著名军事领袖 a noted military leader
盗墓贼 tomb robber
鼎 ding, ancient cooking vessel with two loop handles and three or four legs
玉器 jade
象牙器 ivory ware
祠堂 the ancestral hall
熔模铸造法 investment casting method
Unit 9
Text A
堡垒 fortress
素土夯实 rammed-earth
地形学 topography
防御工事 defensive structure
总体规划 master plan / overall plan
游牧文明 nomadic civilization
联合国教科文组织 UNESCO
马道 horse track
中国风格 Sinicism / China Style
砖石建筑 masonry buildings
内涵 connotation
烽火台 beacon towers
农耕文明 agricultural civilization
列为世界遗产清单 be listed on the World Heritage List
军事防御工程 military defence works
瞭望塔 watch tower
Text B
檀香木 sandalwood
石板 stone slab
奇数 odd number
搪瓷制品 enamel products / enamelware
故宫 the Imperial Palace
内朝 the inner court
阴阳派 The Yin Yang School
香炉 censer
冬至 winter solstice
偶数 even number
砚台 ink slabs
外朝 the outer court
五行派 the Wu Xing (Five Elements) School
文房四宝 the four treasures of the study
Text C
桥面 deck
楔形榫头 dovetail joint
凸面 convex
裂缝 fissures
永通桥 The Yongtong Bridge
开口石拱桥 open-spandrel arch bridge
拱肩 spandrel
桥墩 abutment
砂浆 mortar
朦胧 obscurity
立交桥 overpass / flyover
石灰岩版 limestone slab
- 作者:Rainnn
- 链接:https://tangly1024.com/article/6d92be4b-82fa-4788-a046-aee52df75eef
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